Pennsylvania Church Withdraws from the EPC 

After a contentious two-year battle that ended with its pastor and Session removed from office by the Presbytery of the Alleghenies, Beverly Heights Presbyterian Church (BHPC) in Pittsburgh, Pa., voted in January to dissolve its relationship with the EPC.

In November, a judicial commission of the Presbytery conducted a trial of Pastor Nate Devlin and the Ruling Elders currently serving on the BHPC Session. On January 11, 2025, they were found guilty of contempt and violating their ordination vows. Devlin and the Session were suspended and removed from office “due to their persistent rebellion and refusal to repent,” according to the Administrative Commission’s report to the Presbytery’s January Stated Meeting.

Defying the Presbytery’s discipline, the congregation voted January 26 to leave the EPC. The vote was 106 in favor, 13 opposed, with one abstention.

The church’s battle with Presbytery began more than two years ago after some anonymous church members made allegations critical of Devlin. Although the allegations were later dismissed, it led to the formation of an Administrative Commission by the Presbytery to investigate. When the Session announced its intention to leave the EPC, it met resistance from the Presbytery. 

According to the EPC’s Book of Order, a congregation is permitted to dissolve its relationship with the EPC by a two-thirds vote of the congregation. However, the Administrative Commission contested the BHPC vote by claiming that some 20 church members had been improperly removed from the church rolls. Attempts to settle the dispute over who could vote were unsuccessful, leading to the trial and suspension of Devlin and the Session.

According to Devlin, the church left the EPC because the Presbytery acted in a way that was “unbiblical, unconstitutional, and lacking due process.” In addition, the Session was concerned about the “erosion and demise of the denomination” and what they perceived as a drift in a progressive direction. In particular, the church was concerned by the Pastoral Letter of Racial Lament, the controversy over ordaining self-identifying homosexuals, and how the 2024 General Assembly was conducted. 

Speaking at the congregational meeting, a member of the Administrative Commission denied that the EPC is moving in a liberal direction.

“What you have been hearing about the EPC being on some slippery slope to unbiblical progressive has been filtered and skewed,” said Roger Rumer, one of the five members of the Administrative Commission. “I believe that upon closer examination you’ll find the EPC remains committed to the essential tenets of the biblical truth, just as we believe Beverly Heights is committed to them.”

Rumer attempted to dispel fears that the Presbytery was trying to seize control of the church property.

“This is not so,” said Rumer. “There is no provision in the EPC Constitution which permits a presbytery to seize property. The EPC never seized a church and never will.”

In a report to the Presbytery, the Administrative Commission recommended that the Presbytery not pursue further action against BHPC in church or civil courts.

In January 2024, the church filed civil lawsuits against the Presbytery of the Alleghenies in an effort to protect its property. In exchange for the church dropping the lawsuits, the Presbytery voted February 15 to acknowledge the departure of BHPC. The Presbytery did not vote to dismiss because it claimed the church, “had not properly followed constitutional process.” However, the Presbytery acknowledged that the church had effectively renounced jurisdiction.

In a report to Presbytery, the Administrative Commission claimed that Devlin had violated 1 Corinthians 6:1 by filing a civil lawsuit: “If any of you has a dispute with another, do you dare to take it before the ungodly for judgement instead of before the Lord’s people?” The report chided Devlin for “… a pattern of disdain for clear admonitions of Scripture … unbecoming of a Pastor of the church of Jesus Christ.”

In response, Devlin said the BHPC Session has a duty to protect the congregation by filing a civil lawsuit.

“I agree that Christians should not sue each other over trivial matters, but this is not a trivial matter,” said Devlin. “Our property is worth $1 million and belongs to the congregation.”

During the lengthy conflict, Devlin said the Administrative Commission tried to discredit his character and competence as a pastor. In addition, Devlin was accused of slandering the Presbytery and causing division because he posted critical comments on social media and because he was interviewed by Ministry Watch, a digital publication that reports church news and commentary.

“I think the denomination does not allow room for minority voice or dissent, which is chilling and unhealthy,” said Devlin. I think the denomination needs to be aware of what is going on.”

2 responses

  1. Nathanael Devlin Avatar

    If you’d like to read more on how and why we left the EPC, use the link below:

    1. Peter Larson Avatar
      Peter Larson

      Thanks, Nate. Excellent article written by a former professional journalist for the WSJ and Pittsburgh Post Gazette.

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