By Gordon Miller
Moderator, 34th EPC General Assembly
“Meanderings” definition: Rambling or passing from one topic to another.
I hope you find the following collection of articles, quotes, quips, and Scripture to be informative, edifying, and thought-provoking. This information is not as thorough or detailed as the other articles in the Plumb Line. But I hope to stimulate honest and open debate on a variety of topics and challenges facing the church — especially the Evangelical Presbyterian Church. With cultural changes coming at ever-increasing speed, all of us on the Plumb Line Editorial Board desire that believers will stand firm, rooted in Scripture. I pray that you read this content in the spirit intended: love for Christ and for each other.
Note: The views and opinions expressed here are mine alone, and do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of the full Editorial Board of the Plumb Line.
Books You Might Enjoy

Five Lies of Our Anti-Christian Age by Rosaria Butterfield. Crossway, 2023.
Bold, courageous, and unafraid — Butterfield calls them as she sees them. Using Scripture, life experience in the gay community, and a good dose of common sense, she sounds the alarm on a woke culture that has infected the church. She focuses on five lies that are being forced on the church:
- Homosexuality is normal.
- Being spiritual is kinder than being Biblical.
- Feminism is good for the world and the Church.
- Transgenderism is normal.
- Modesty is an outdated burden that serves male dominance and holds women back.
Butterfield looks out over the church and gives example after example of the harm being done. A truly enjoyable and informative read, even if you disagree with some or all of her points.
“Seemingly overnight, a civil war within Christianity has broken out.” (p. 1)

Shepherds for Sale: How Evangelical Leaders Traded the Truth for a Leftist Agenda by Megan Basham, Broadside Books, 2024.
A New York Times bestseller that follows in the footsteps of Butterfield’s book. Again, we see an author willing to point out how the church can sell out to the culture. Basham’s emphasis is on the lure of money, power, and influence being exercised by those wishing to move the church left.
See the First Things blog for a favorable review. But as might be expected, those she calls out are none too pleased. For example, see the critique of Basham’s book by one of her targets, J.D. Greear of Summit Church in North Carolina.
Articles of Interest

How 40 Protestant Denominations Voted in the Last 4 Presidential Elections
Ryan Burge,
October 10, 2024
The PCA is clearly more conservative than the EPC, right? Wrong! Burge, a political scientist who loves to crunch numbers, has come up with some rather surprising revelations. In 2020, the PCA voted 64% for Trump, while the EPC voted 73% for Trump. I would have thought those numbers would have been reversed. Highest percentage for Trump was the Assemblies of God at 78%. Lowest was the African Methodist Episcopal at 6%. Be sure to visit the website as it makes for interesting viewing as you compare the different denominations.
Speaking of presidential elections, the 2024 race is over. May I never see another political ad!

Is CRU Losing its First Love for Christ?
Tom Gilson, “The Stream”
April 3, 2024
Many of you, and/or your kids have worked with Campus Crusade for Christ (Now Cru). Thinking “Crusade” might offend people, the organization changed its name to Cru in 2011. We all remember what a powerful evangelistic organization it was. The author of this article, who served many years with Cru, reports how their training now supports “pronoun hospitality.” Gilson reflects on the slow but steady slide into cultural foolishness and away from Biblical truth. Sad.
See also Insidious Winsomeness by S.M. Hutchens in the September/October 2024 edition of “Touchstone” magazine (behind a paywall), and Cru ends controversial sexuality and gender training by Mary Jackson in “World” posted October 9, 2024. In reviewing Cru’s struggle to address LGBTQ issues, Jackson wonders if recent changes to training of Cru staff will really be a step back from its former apparent acceptance of Side B teachings.
“We should concern ourselves, both in our prayers and our endeavors, for the rising generation, that religion may be maintained and advanced when we are in our graves.”
—Matthew Henry
(Author’s note: Gray Hairs, what are we leaving those who come behind us?)
“We cannot use our thoughts and feelings as a standard: only God’s Word is the test.”
—R.J. Rusdoony
“The year of grace 1654, Monday, 23 November, feast of St. Clement, pope and martyr, and others in the martyrology, Virgil of St. Chrysogonus, martyr, and others. From about half past ten at night until about half past midnight, FIRE.”
—Blaise Pascal
(Author’s note: It is worth the effort to find the rest of Pascal’s statement, which ends with, “joy, joy, joy, tears of joy.” It will knock your socks off!)
As Reformed and Presbyterian believers, we have the most to smile about. Go ahead, it won’t hurt!
Did C.S. Lewis ever think The Abolition of Man would be done surgically?
Many folks want to serve God, but only as advisors!
Why is it necessary to be quiet in church? Because a lot of people are sleeping! (I know, I know.)

Rev. Dr. David Weber delivered this message to the Sixth Stated Meeting of the New River Presbytery on May 3, 2024.
Preaching from 2 Corinthians 5:16-21, he emphasized the core of a Reformed identity rooted in being a new creation in Christ. He urged elders to rely on God’s power and faithfully proclaim the gospel of reconciliation. The sermon calls the EPC to hold fast to these truths amidst the cultural and theological challenges facing the denomination.
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