The Presbyterian Plumb Line

By David Weber (for the Editorial Board)

A plumb line is unwaveringly straight. As such, it is the perfect standard to measure if a structure vertically aligns and rests on a solid foundation. In Amos 7:7-9 the prophet receives the following vision:

“…behold, the Lord was standing beside a wall built with a plumb line, with a plumb line in his hand. And the LORD said to me, “Amos, what do you see?” And I said, “A plumb line.” Then the Lord said, “Behold, I am setting a plumb line in the midst of my people Israel;” (Amos 7:7–8 ESV)

The nation of Israel was originally built according to the plumb line, with God’s Word as its solid foundation. However, over time, the people began to drift from this standard, and the Lord’s plumb line revealed their deviation. In verse 9, two main issues emerge: theological error and political abuse. Theologically, false worship was practiced at the ‘high places’ and the idolatrous sanctuaries in Dan and Bethel. Politically, the house of Jeroboam ruled in rebellion against God’s law, rejecting Him as the true king of His people. These two errors fueled each other: as the leadership turned from God as the true King, they led the people into false worship. And as the nation embraced false worship, the leadership strayed further from God’s plumb line. However, this warning is not merely for Israel in the 8th century B.C., but it applies to God’s people throughout history, and we ignore it at our own peril.

The editorial board of this journal believes that Ruling and Teaching Elders in the EPC must continually be measured against the straight edge of God’s Word, lest we drift into false belief and abusive leadership. In our Presbyterian form of governance, we seek to represent the mind of Christ, the only Head of the Church. We are convinced that the mind of Christ is best represented when a biblically informed, spiritually illuminated plurality of elders gathers to discuss, debate, and decide the issues facing the church. However, when elders gather in ignorance, are swayed by worldly wisdom, or when open debate is suppressed, the mind of Christ will not be discerned. If this continues, the people of God under our leadership will inevitably stray into false belief and practice. In the following articles, my fellow editors highlight various ways in which we have observed both subtle and significant deviations from our Presbyterian governance and biblical convictions. These concerns have compelled us to start this publication, with the humble hope of drawing the leadership of the EPC back to the plumb line of Christ, which God has set among His people.

Our task is to produce and distribute an online journal four times a year with articles aimed at biblically informing the Ruling and Teaching Elders of our denomination on issues that impact our ability to govern under Christ’s authority and faithfully shepherd the flock. We strive to provide content that is accessible to all Elders in the EPC, while being firmly rooted in God’s Word, spiritually guided, and committed to the highest standards of truth. Through articles, EPC news items, sermons, and book reviews, we seek to lead our denomination toward a more biblical expression of our Presbyterian conviction — that biblically informed elders, seeking the mind of Christ in the courts of the Church, is the most faithful way to align with God’s plumb line.

3 responses

  1. Wendy Andree Avatar
    Wendy Andree

    Mr Weber, could you please identify yourself within the EPC, as well as the names of the editorial board? How and to whom is this online journal being distributed?

    1. Peter Larson Avatar
      Peter Larson

      Thank you for asking Wendy, The names and credentials of the Editorial Board are listed on the About page.

  2. PETER Edmund YEAGER Avatar

    Look forward to further communications along these lines.
    May God and His revealed Truth in His Word – both Scripture and Jesus – be glorified in His Evangelical Presbyterian Church.

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